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GFT Markets. Global Futures Exchange and Trading Company Inc는 1998 년에 설립되었습니다. 회사는 미국에 세 개의 사무소가 있으며 다양한 정부 당국에 의해 등록되고 승인되었습니다. 이것은 가장 큰 독립 중개 회사 중 하나이며 Forex 세계에서 미래에 대한 기회와 건강 옵션을 거래자와 투자자에게 제공합니다. 그들이 처리하는 고객의 양은 지연 또는 오판의 불만이 있지만이 브로커는 효율적인 거래 수단을 사용자에게 제공하고 Forex 거래를위한 신뢰할 수있는 브로커입니다. IFC Markets. IFC Markets은 IFCM 그룹 NetTradeX와 Metareader4의 두 플랫폼을 제공하며 두 플랫폼 모두에 대해 두 가지 계정 유형을 선택할 수 있습니다. 최소 예금은 계정 수는 1 ~ 300 개까지 가능합니다. 대부분의 중개인과 마찬가지로 IFC도 수수료를 부과하지 않지만 스프레드를 통해 돈을 벌어줍니다. 일반적인 24 시간 고객 서비스를 제공하며 정부 기관의 인증을 받았습니다. IFC 시장의 유일한 부정적 측면은 웹 사이트 디자인 문제가되는 탐색 및 정보 위치 혼란으로 어려움을 겪고 있습니다. Alvexo는 거래 플랫폼이 VPR 소유의 글로벌 외환 브로커입니다. 사이프러스에 본사를 둔 Safe Financial Group MetaTrader 4 플랫폼은 다양한 도구와 도구를 포함하고 있기 때문에 외환 거래자들에게 가장 인기가 있습니다. 서비스 그들은 또한 웹 및 모바일 거래 플랫폼을 가지고 있습니다. 최소한의 첫 입금은 고전적인 계좌의 경우 500입니다. 스프레드의 경쟁력이 뛰어나고 가장 저렴한 계좌 소유자가 가장 저렴한 계좌를 보유하고 있습니다. 그들은 24 시간 내내 고객 서비스를 제공하고 모든 규칙과 규정을 준수합니다. FxPro Group. FxPro는 가장 큰 외환 브로커 중 하나이며 수천 명의 상인이 신뢰합니다 e 일 그들은 500의 최소 예금 및 최대 레버리지를 위탁한다 1 MT4, FxPro, 최고 상인 및 MT5cTrader 같이 플래트 홈을 이용하고 Windows, 웹, android 및 iOS와 호환이된다. 그들은 현재로서는 어떤 상여든지 제안하지 않는다 고객에게 제공 할 수있는 가장 다양한 서비스를 제공합니다. 월간 목표를 달성하는 데 관심이 있고 시간이 지남에 따라 효율적이고 효과적으로 거래되는 고급 외환 중개인을 위해 포트폴리오에 대한 염려가 있습니다. 월별 기준이 매우 자극적 인 거래자에 의해 충족되지 않는 경우 높은이 플랫폼 전반에서 개선되어야 할 몇 가지 요소로 전체적으로 훌륭하고 효율적인 것으로 입증되어 거래자들 사이에서 인기를 빠르게 얻었습니다. 이것은 가장 큰 외환 중개인입니다. 요크와 forex 업계에서 신뢰할 수있는 이름입니다 그것은 다른 운영 체제에 걸쳐 다양한 플랫폼의 다양한 사용 그들은 부동 확산과 ar e known for their tightness An account with FXCM can be started with only 50 A limitation with this broker is that they operate in the US forex market only so you will require another broker for other markets. Filled with auto-trading tools and software package for the clients the Avatrade platform is a unique and helpful way for traders to deal online in the forex market This company is a subsidiary of Ava Financial Ltd And comes with a software for the users The software provided by the broker is based on highly recommended MetaTrader 4 and is genuine and safe With a minimum deposit of 100 and a leverage ratio of 400 1 simple investors can smile upon big profits in no time but it should always be kept in mind that the greater the leverage the greater is the responsibility which follows. Loaded with safety and assurance to the investors for trading in huge volumes of money Avatrade focuses certainly on the security of the customers which is a good thing The company also provides support for the beginners so that they understand what they are investing their money in. It is named by the users as one of the most favored and efficient brokers available in the market as of present This platform provides with good spreads and the trades are executed at a far better level than the other average platforms Their platform is often regarded as user friendly and their instant execution of orders helps in maintaining their professional profile which keeps attracting more traders to their platform Filled with top notch analysis for the traders and offers and perks to benefit the investors this broker has often been regarded as highly efficient in the forex world. There are a number of prizes and certifications for InstantForex which is just an adding factor to the security of the investors and the large number of users of the platform also form quite an appeal in increasing the credibility of the platform The forex traders and investors can simply trust on this platform although th ey always have to keep a lookout for the risks which might be involved at all times. XGLOBAL Markets. Favored by a number of brokers in the forex market this platform has grown to grab the limelight in the recent years This platform is known to provide quick withdrawals for your profit in the trading, the platform is also respected for its lightning speed processing of placement and closing of orders given by the traders the account to all clients given majorly is one and the absence of swaps or commissions makes the experience even tempting for the traders. The spreads offered by this platform are most competitive in nature and commissions or hidden charges are not suddenly imposed or declared upon the traders There is no bound on the amount for minimum deposit and the platform welcomes all the strategies for trading including the leading Expert Advisors on the market which most of the traders often use and rely on for gathering information and determining their future trades. While being established in the 1990 s and being named as one of the biggest and influential forex brokers this website has quite nothing more left to prove its name for This website is also quite famous amongst the traders for its innovative practices as well as open and transparent pricing without differentiating between traders This trading platform comes with powerful sources with are easy to use along with support at all times through expert advisors. Among some problems named by the people the unavailability of Expert Advisors on their MT4 platform along with an improvement in the charts are the minor concerns regarding the website but other than that this website runs smoothly and can help beginners as well as experienced people in their forex careers very easily. Famous Forex websites. There are a variety of forex websites which deal with providing the facilities of trading to forex investors While some traders get on the better side of these websites some are often found blaming them for the ir bad decisions or losses In the below given section the websites listed often help the traders to gain profits from the forex markets with ease. With efficient trading facilities, this company is proving to be wonderful for traders in the current scenario As they are equipped with fast and reliable customer services and they deliver their services on time which help the traders to a great extent The customer support is the most important aspect for traders in the beginning of the trading world and a robust support is the only way to ensure their safety at all times. This website is quite brilliant in its own way as it serves different functions such as providing charts, analysis, financial tools, and technical data along with many more beneficial things to the traders The traders can rely on this website as it has been ranked quite well by the critics in the recent times and the growing popularity of forex with internet available every time on the smartphones, this website has grown mo re reliable and trustable. Forex factory. People who have been a member of the Forex Factory over the past years recommend it to all the other traders at all the stages in their forex careers This website has a good number of subtopics relating to the information regarding the manual and automated systems used for trading successfully by the traders There is a commercial section present in the website where different vendors can post to get feedback and beginner level traders can find expert and successful traders to help them. With different levels of support according to the trading help required by different individuals this website is quite reliable and helping in terms of forex investing in the modern day This website is quite recommended due to its rich customer focus providing them with regular and updated articles, tutorials, advice and a simulator which can be used for trading off the market for practice at any time. With good amount of information available to the users this webs ite is often regarded as one of the most helpful sources for beginners as well as the forex traders in order to excel The showing of too many ads on the website has been concerned by a few of the users but other than that the content of the website as well as its helpfulness for beginners has been emphasized by different users and experts as well over the time. Develop Your Own Forex Trading Strategies. The most frequent mistake committed by people who are new to forex trading is to operate without forex trading strategies Most newcomers are too keen and excited and tend to believe that they can make a quick fortune in a short span of time, approaching this task in a non-professional manner Sadly, they soon realize how complex this type of trading is, and start accumulating losses. If you want to become a successful forex trader, you must develop a forex trading strategy Developing a strategy is vitally important but not difficult Your strategy should address the following issues. Logic of trading. Time of trading. Objective of trading. Managing funds. Documenting and analyzing the results. How and what to learn from mistakes. You should have a good reason for entering a trade It s not unusual for some traders to enter a position just because they are bored or to get the excitement of being short or long a potentially disastrous indulgence Never enter a forex trade without a technical or fundamental reason or both. Deciding the Currency Pair You ll Trade. This may sound quite simple but it is important to define or you ll be confused It is always a good forex trading strategy to focus on key pairs like GBP USD, EUR USD, and USD JPY, rather than on all pairs. It is equally important to decide your trading frequency and when you ll trade You may opt to be a day trader or hold positions for prolonged durations You ll also need to decide if you want to trade before or after economic releases When would you want to trade heavily at night, or during opening and closing of markets. It i s imperative to decide on these basic issues and follow them consistently as part of your forex trading strategies. The next important step is to state the objectives of your trading, as you can t develop a good forex trading strategy without having clear objectives While defining an ultimate goal would be presumptuous for a beginner, you should set periodic evaluation metrics to anchor your expectations to what you can actually achieve And this overall portfolio monitoring has a parallel for each trade, where you should place limits to guarantee earned profit and automate stop-loss orders Define your take-profit plus stop-loss currency pair levels before you enter the trade, though you can modify these as changing market circumstances warrant New traders frequently have impractical forex strategies This is not to deny that big profits can t be made during the first year of trading, but that would be rare. How to Develop Your Forex Trading Strategies. Beginning traders commit a variety of mistakes arising from inexperience Principal among them is to book their profits prematurely and allow losses to accumulate These two phenomena are flip-side manifestations of confirmation bias whereby insecurity drives us to confirm our superior wisdom and cognitive dissonance prevents us from accepting our flawed judgment Experienced traders develop mental self-discipline and use available automated trade order executions, like stop-loss orders to limit adverse price movement and progressive limit orders to allow gains to continue to accumulate while locking in specified profit levels Ruthless self-criticism is a key trait for any trader who acts as his own advocate, judge and beneficiary While telling ourselves narratives are what makes us human, understanding and internalizing the objective realities of the marketplace however abstractly are the essential elements in formulating successful forex trading strategies. Perhaps the most important forex trading strategy is allocation of your trading portfolio As a beginner, to ensure that no one position or expectation generates overwhelming losses, you should ensure that no trade entails more than 2 of your portfolio value As your experience and confidence grow, this limit may rise to 4 The goal should be to keep inevitable losses to a minimum and ensure that winning trades stay that way using limit orders at desired profit levels. As an integral part of your funds management, a personalized forex trading strategy is essential No one approach or methodology has proven consistently superior What works and what fits you is what you should use Whatever the approach, it will inevitably require continual refinement and modification. The USD in Forex Trading Strategies. The outsized role of the United States Dollar is hard to overstate in developing forex trading strategies In addition to representing the counter-side to most trades, the global calendar is inordinately determined by the American economy and the pronouncements of its officials. On a regular basis, the Non-Farm Payrolls NFP report is released at 8 30 AM EST on the first Friday of every month It is followed closely as a barometer of American job creation and as with any statistic in the public realm, the key issue is the reality compared with expectations. The comments and testimonies of the various stewards of the U S economy are also of primary interest, particularly those of the U S Federal Reserve Chairman who heads the Federal Open Market Committee FOMC The FOMC is that branch of the Federal Reserve Board which determines the direction of monetary policy and specifically U S short-term inter-bank lending rates In our current era, where the entire world has seemingly tanked up on near-zero dollar-denominated debt, and with its exploding sovereign and corporate debt balances, market watchers have no alternative but to pay extra special attention to gyrations in U S interest rates Spoiler Alert The inevitable cyclical rise in interest rates w ill get plenty ugly with spilled blood in a process that unfolds in predictable inverse order of economic stability. Cloud Computing, Big Data, Algorithms and Forex Strategies. By default the means devoted to generating forex trading profits have grown beyond comprehension Vastly endowed hedge funds devote endless resources to parse the smallest market anomaly into profitable forex strategies This new resource allocation regime is not friendly to the legions of upper-middle class banking functionaries who are now being replaced by a handful of immensely wealthy unicorn quant jocks, but for the individual trader, the news is more ambiguous True, strategy has a different meaning in an era of processing peta-bytes about 500 billion pages of text of data But in the larger sense it is only a further continuance of more powerful computers. Where the individual forex trader benefits in harnessing this cloud computing and big data models in developing his forex trading strategies, is in the inevi table increase in disseminated knowledge Not everyone with a supercomputer in his employ is a trader Enough participate in an information-flow model that a significant increase in free information of value has dramatically changed the strategic landscape For example, here at Xtrade, you can now benefit from the Autochartist market alert which employs a sophisticated algorithmic software to process real-time market data and generate rebound, breakout or approach technical trading recommendations at 15-minute granularity levels Developing your own forex trading strategies has thus become a measurably easier process when you may choose from live evidence-based recommended opportunities. Thus, the whole concept of forex trading strategies has taken on new meaning and significance in an era when machine-generated artificial intelligence, backed by vast hordes of private capital, and in an ever more diffuse set of marketplaces, dominates the forex valuation And just because the bar to partici pation has never been lower, the guarantee of survival and success have not become any likelier. Xtrade offering the best in online CFD trading and online forex trading Enjoy the Xtrade investment portal to satisfy your investment requirements all leading markets, seamless cross-platform access and advanced trading tools to help you trade your best Whatever your choice online CFD trading or online currency trading Xtrade empowers you to achieve more All rights reserved to Xtrade. Trading CFDs involves significant risk of loss Trading FX CFDs involves a significant level of risk and you may lose all of your invested capital Please ensure that you understand the risks involved. This website uses cookies By continuing to use this website you agree to our use of cookies Read our Privacy Policy. Best Forex Brokers 2017.Forex Brokers around the world trembled when the EUR CHF decoupled and precipitated the crash of 201, culminating into one of the most destructive episode in the history of forei gn exchange trading The crash caused unprecedented slippage in Euro and Swiss Franc currency pairs, bankrupting many Forex brokers and leaving a huge number of traders with negative balances Trillion of dollars were wiped out from the financial markets within minutes of the EUR CHF crash The following Infographic briefly describes the causes, events, market reaction and aftermaths pertaining to the CHF crash. Forex Brokers EUR CHF crash. Copy and paste the code below to embed this infographic on your website. It is possible for a trader to have the best trading skill, run a string of successful trades in the forex market, and then lose it all to a scam broker who simply walks away with this money A look at sites like Forex Peace Army will reveal a plethora of cases where all manner of scams are perpetrated by shady brokers In one case, a brokerage was found to be a husband-wife operation located in the kitchen of their home somewhere in Eastern Europe When you consider that most forex tra ders will have to do business with brokers located in countries far away from theirs, it becomes super important to make sure that the process of choosing a forex broker is one that is done carefully and thoroughly in order to weed out the chaff from the real thing. Role of Forex Brokers. Why are brokers so important in fx trading Why do traders need to worry about forex brokers anyway. a Market Access. The forex market is structured in such a way that it is not possible for a retail trader to enter the market directly Market access can only be provided through a forex brokerage account, provided by forex brokers. b Trading Access. Access to trade forex between the various market participants has to be done using any of the various trading platforms in the market This provides uniformity of trading access to all who trade the forex market, linking a trader on the buy side of the market to another on the sell side of the market. Brokers provide a depository where traders can lodge funds for tr ading, and clearing and settlement of trades which ensures that trading profits are added to the capital and losses deducted are all provided by the brokers back office desks. How to Choose a Forex Broker. The foreign exchange market still holds the record as the world s biggest financial market contributing to an average of more than 4 trillion of traded value each day. The brokers act as the bridge between profits generated by traders and the trading process An influx of these brokers has entered the market making it difficult for traders to choose the best from the lot. The second you start realizing the roles of forex brokers in any foreign exchange trading market, then you start analyzing your position in this investment strategy and your capacity to earn profits. A forex broker will provide the trading platform, clearing and settlement services, as well as, help provide the liquidity required to complete trades. The biggest challenge with forex trading and your endeavors to find a brok er that will satisfy your interest is linked to scam brokers. The role of brokers in forex trading is a process that every trader needs to understand and accomplish. Without a forex broker, it would be hard for the trader to gain access to new markets Generally, the forex market is designed in such a way that it cannot simply be entered without a representative who in this case is your forex brokerage account. Another underlying course for traders to locate competent forex brokers is access to trading Trading platforms are essential because they provide uniformity on trading access Both buyers and sellers are virtually linked allowing them to transact businesses with ease. Funds are safely deposited in running brokerage accounts where traders can easily access them when executing their trades. There are several factors that new and existing traders can use in order to distinguish genuine forex brokers from time wasters or misleading firms. Regulation of forex brokers. Depending on the country at which the forex broker is based, there are varying regulatory bodies that the trader will observe to ensure that the broker is accredited to run such kind of business. Regulated forex brokers help in settling more than 80 of problems that could affect traders In the United Kingdom, all brokerage firms are required by the governing bodies to run segregated accounts These accounts are necessary because they safeguard firms against future unforeseen bankruptcy, thereby protecting clients funds. Regulation is important because it signifies the financial position of a broker and competence the firm holds into managing client funds Regulatory agencies are always on the frontline to ensure that forex brokerage firms are in line with these regulations by conducting regular checks. Regulation is also important in the sense that depending on your residence, there are brokers that you may not be eligible to use for trading The US, the EU, the UK and other parts of the worlds have differing requi rements for traders. In the US, forex trading attracts strict regulation when compared to other parts of the world Forex trading is regulated by the NFA National Futures Association and CFTC Commodities and Futures Trading Commission In Europe, most forex brokers are licensed with Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission CySEC , whereas others have UK s FCA Financial Conduct Authority regulation. In the US, brokers are only permitted to provide a maximum leverage of 50 1 on major currency pairs and 20 1 on minor pairs In Europe, traders can receive 200 1 to 400 1, or even more in leverage There are also brokers that are licensed to provide their services on globally It would be wise to choose the one that fits your bill well in terms of leverage expectations and legal status as per your residence. In addition, most brokers in Europe provide CFD Contracts for Difference trading while UK-regulated brokers can also extend their services to providing Spread Betting services In the US, howeve r, trading of such instruments as CFDs and Spread Betting is forbidden. Forex trading adds to the long list of 24 7 jobs Many practitioners in this career path are always prepared to work long hours to satisfy the big list of clientele and thus firms operating forex brokerage services are required to provide the same kind of customer service. Regardless of where a trader is reaching out from, he or she will have unlimited access in terms of talk time, live chat, efficient email response among other customer based service techniques. Generally, when choosing a good forex broker, a simple call can help determine how responsive they are and whether they would be in a position to provide excellent services with regards to waiting time before your call is picked, the representative s ability to answer any questions you may have on spreads, leverage, regulation policies among other requested company details. Any forex broker firm that prides with offering good service will be ahead on transparen cy Several traders have had a hard time in the past dealing with organizations that had made some necessary features in the platform inaccessible or inactive. At any given time, the brokerage platform remains the investor s bridge to global markets in the forex exchange For that reason, if the platform is not designed favoring the end user in terms of ease of use, it will affect the overall user experience hence rendering it unfit for use. In other words, the trading platform could be designed in such a way that it opens trades that would provide minimal profit margins to traders This means that times when other competitor platforms are providing trades with higher profit margins, the platform would throttle any margin that exceeds a certain number For this reason, the users need to be extra vigilant when deciding on the best forex broker platform. The first step towards securing an online platform is through the use of a Secure Sockets Layer encryption, popularly known as the SSL If you come around a brokerage platform that is not secured with this encryption, then run away from that platform as quick as you can. In order to determine whether or not your broker has an SSL encryption, all you have to do is look at the browser section and see whether the URL begins with Without SSL encryption, critical trader information can easily be stolen and used for malicious purposes But still, this does not guarantee 100 protection. Some Forex brokers go a step further by providing a two-factor authentication process as a requirement for logging in This makes your account more difficult to hack by providing an extra layer of security. This is another important item that traders should look at when selecting their forex trading broker Nearly all brokers provide traders with the opportunity to engage in trading via three platforms a downloadable platform such as the MT4 platform, CTrader platform and Trading Station a web-based trading platform-many run on Citrix trading platform and then of course through various mobile apps mobile web traders. There is a little difference when it comes to these The only notable difference is that several brokers provide their Forex trading service via the MT4 trading platform while a few provide the services via CTrader platforms. Nonetheless, depending on which platform the broker has chosen to provide its services, there could be some key features unique to the platform For instance, the MT4 platform allows traders to engage in social trading using EAs Expert Advisers Others also allow traders to install custom indicators to refine their trading process. However, if you choose to use a web-based trading platform such as Citrix, you may not be able to engage in copy social trading. Trading Assets and Execution. You need to assess the trading methods allowed by the broker on the platform One of the most important features to look at is whether the broker offers guaranteed stop loss execution The stop loss and take profit features are used by traders to mitigate trading losses while at the same time capitalizing on every bit of profit taking opportunity. However, when the market experiences high volatility periods, the gaps between quotations could be large with short periods of time thereby leading to huge losses With guaranteed stop loss, traders are assured that their trades will only be executed at their selected stop loss and not the closest price quotation. The same thing goes for brokers that re-quote prices during high volatility trading sessions In such cases, it is good to go for brokers that have stated clearly in their terms and conditions that there are no requotes This can prevent you from unnecessary losses as well as provide you with profitable opportunities. Another thing that traders should look at in this section is the negative balance protection feature This feature protects traders from losing finances that are presently not in their trading accounts Ideally, it is possible that a trade could go t erribly for you such that all the money in your trading account is won t be able to cover for it A good example is the EUR CHF flash crash of January 2015, which cleared the accounts of many traders along with broker accounts. Traders should also make sure that the type of broker they choose suits their trading needs Some brokers are nothing more but market makers, which mean that they do not provide liquidity by linking client trades direct to the main forex trading market the interbank market where banks and corporate traders are involved In such a case, a trader would want to go for STP a Straight-Through-Processing broker. These are the ones that link the clients to the interbank market Others also offer trading access to the electronic trading network ECN where traders can see the best price offered at the moment as well as the buy and sell orders of other ECN participants These are the two main market accessibility networks offered by brokers As for market makers, they can be highl y unpredictable, and even cases of trade manipulation cannot be ruled out. Although all forex brokerage firms offer great deals of currencies, not so many have the luxury of emphasizing on most considerable pairs For this reason, the chances of trading in liquidity would be almost inevitable. Major trading pairs in the market are USD JPY, EUR USD, USD CHF as well as GBP USD There are some brokers who would offer tens of currency pairs but miss out on the most valuable part, those that the trader would be interested in. Most brokers offer multiple trading assets aside from currency pairs It is possible to trade commodities, indices and various stocks on some platforms, especially those that provide CFDs trading. Depending on your targeted range of market, it is good to assess whether the instruments that you are experienced in are available on the trading platform of the broker you choose In addition, most of the brokers will provide different spreads and margin requirements for the various assets on their platforms Make sure that if everything else amongst your select list of preferred brokers matches, then things such as spread and margin requirements make the difference. Deposits and Withdrawals. A big number of forex accounts across the globe do not require huge initial deposits The reason why forex trading has maintained its position in the market is perhaps because the buying power is usually higher when compared with minimum deposits Accounts can range from standard to micro, all with varying minimum deposits. All forex broker platforms present differing withdrawal and account funding policies For instance, some can be funded online with credit cards, ACH, wire transfers or online payment systems such as PayPal The transaction fee may be charged by the bank, the broker or both. Best Forex Brokers November 2016. is licensed 092 08 and regulated by Cyprus Securities Exchange Commission CySEC The broker was established in 2006 and offers trading via the MT4 trading platf orm, a Citrix-based web-trader, and a mobile web-trader The minimum amount required to open an account is 100.HotForex This is an STP ECN broker registered in Mauritius The broker offers traders a leverage of up to 1000 1 and traders can begin trading with as little as 50.AvaTrade This broker is owned and operated by the same company that runs AvaFX, a widely known forex trading brand AvaTrade is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland and licensed by MiFID in the European Union It is also regulated by ASIC in Australia, the Financial Services Commission FSC in Japan, as well as by the B V I Financial Services Commission in the British Virgin Islands Traders can begin trading with as little as 100.EasyMarkets This is one of the few forex brokers that guarantee trade execution on the pre-set stop loss and profit taking levels However, these are only guaranteed for trades made via the web-trader In addition, this is only made via Inside Viewer and Trade Controller tools available throug h the web-trader. Plus500 This is one of the veteran Forex trading brokers in the market They specifically target clients based in Europe, and provide among other services, CFD trading Plus500 is one of the few Forex Brokers that are publicly traded at the London Stocks Exchange Public listing subjects companies to more scrutiny thereby making them a lot safer for traders when it comes to choosing brokers. By understanding the services offered by a given forex broker, you would be able to classify the platform decide whether it suits your interests when you start trading or not. Performing a bit of research and comparing one brokerage firm to the other would play a pivotal role towards ensuring that you choose the best forex broker, which in return will multiply your odds towards calculated positive returns on investments. 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